A friend from my teen days  asked me Trina how did you become so wise…
“Wise “ who me, I must say at first I laughed, then without thinking
I told him life. My life has made me wise, it has been my teacher
And most of all I asked God to Endow me with his words and make me anew
Then we shortly conversed about our teen life…we agree we wouldn’t change a thing
 He looked at me and said “life” but we almost grew up side by side
“Yes we did” but while y’all remain to be teen I was forced to grow up or I’ll just said it was my time, God was ready for me to know who he was

                                 This is my Testimony

I had my 1st child at the age of 15th
She was a full term baby ..she weighed 7lbs and 9oz
We came home in one day and that day would be the 1st day of the rest of my life
Why do I say the 1st day of my life because I was made to bow I was made to call his name…I was Endow with the power of God’s words I was made anew
The bible said every kneed shall bow and every tongue should confess
Well I can testify to this . Yes I was raised to know who he was but yet I feared  him or I guess you can I was reserved… 
 But  I was Reserved for great things…Tekesha was 2 days old when she went into her 1st of 50 or more comas I have lost counts now that she is 21 years of age… having Tekesha was only the beginning of my life to start anew. She was a gift from God, this gift was to ease my fear of God to allow me to see how gentle yet strong he was. To show me that I can call on him without fear. To understand the the power  in his words and all I had to do was to use my tongue and believe his words to be true… then I could see anything was possible through him. Through the eyes of Tekesha I have been able to testify that no matter what man say it all up to God. Rico my second child…he was a gift, a gift to show me that God want leave you…even when your in that “Just” stage of your life …you’re never alone no matter how alone you may feel he is always there. When I had Rico I didn’t have a place to stay. We were kick out when he was only 5days old I walk the street holding my baby and crying not knowing day for day were he was going to lay his head for the night not knowing were his was going to get his next can of milk from. Yet everyday we can in from the dark before he could run out of milk before days end he had milk and a place to lay his head… was it done the right way..I’m not sure..but I’ll say this if you look at things through man’s eyes no it wasn’t…but if you look at it through different eyes it was how it was suppose to be. It was put there to teach me how to appreciate small things in life…like having a place to lay your head at night and having food to eat and to know no matter how bad the day might start out he has already made away out of no way. Marico is God’s  gift of love to me, God gave me this gift so I can know and understand the true meaning of his love to show me his love is unconditional and he is the father of all…I became pregnant with Mariceo when I was in my Just stage in life…I had became mad at the world I felt like I was left alone to do thing on my own not understanding the other were sick. Allowing the devil to step in and show me false love, to have me think that with money I could do all things on my own. I didn’t need love or anybody. Until my baby was born without a father…once again I had to bow and call on him for forgiveness , guidance, and a sense of direction. Telesha was my gift of friendship, from a small child she had always had a sense of direction meaning any time I was lost in myself she managed to lead me back to God’s words, when I fell short of his words the words of God flowing through her without her known what she was saying. Like a friend she was always there to pick me up when I fell, she was there to make me laugh…a friend told me laughter is a gift from God…well she shows me that gift daily. Gregory this is my gift of knowledge, that God give the smallest the gift of knowing, Gregory started reading at the age of 3 years of age, God showed me through the eyes of a 3yrs old I could go back and get an education to be a role model for my kids to be the woman I was born to be. The woman god has model me to be

To be continue….